We welcome additional contributions of data! By contributing freely accessible data you have found or data collections you have compiled, you will continue to aid researchers in our social justice and scientific goals. As of now, the data are primarily from North America and in American English. We hope to expand this in the future.
We thank you, as researchers of legal and forensic contexts, for your contributions and for your dedication to furthering the scientific inquiry, transparency, and replicability of forensic linguistic research!
Please fill in as much information as possible. This will help us best categorize and post the data. (Not all categories will be applicable.) If your data does not fit into the pre-set categories please identify as much information as possible in the description option. Please submit as many data links as appropriate using the following format: https://www.website.com.
For data collections, please be sure to include your name and contact information as you would like them listed on the site. Note that by submitting data, you acknowledge that you have obtained all necessary permissions to disseminate the data and that it has been anonymized appropriately, as needed. The creators of ForensicLing.com are not responsible for permissions or anonymization for data posted on this site.