The data on this page have all been gathered from publicly available online sources. For each case, links are provided to the original data and case details, where available. Please be respectful of those involved in the cases and cite the original sources appropriately. We are not responsible for broken links, but we will check the site regularly.


This relates to the genre of discourse. E.g., emergency dispatcher language that may involve multiple case types such as murder and sexual assault, or case names such as Trayvon Martin or Casey Anthony.


This relates to the crime type. E.g., a bribery case that may include multiple discourse types such as a covert recording and a witness statement, or case names such as Rod Blagojevich or James Usry.


Search for the name of a case (E.g., “Casey Anthony”) or keywords in the description.  

TitleDiscourse TypeCase Typehf:tax:discourse_typehf:tax:case_type